Result O3 – ,, Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students transversal competences”

ATC Erasmus+

Result O3 – ,, Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students transversal competences”

In the framework of the international project ,,The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process” we are publishing the outcome of the next results O3 – ,, Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students’ transversal competences”. This is third of eight planned parts of the project. Result O3 was done in three steps:

Step 1. Summary of identified within the framework of the first task methods of practical training and transversal competences adopted in the draft defined in the O1

Step 2. Giving the ratio of usefulness for transversal competences

Step 3. The analysis by teams of expert partners, which includes the answer to the question: Does particular practical educational method have a positive effect  on raising the level of the transversal competences and to what level?

85 methods were evaluated by 8 Institutions realizing the project:

Poznań University of Technology, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Częstochowa University of Technology, The Federation of education In Jokilaaksot – JEDU, University of Maribor – Faculty of Economics and Business, Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica, Wrocław University of Economics and  The Western Chamber of Industry and Commerce. .

In determining the validity of methods of practical training with regard to their impact on raising the level of transversal competences we used 2 methods of aggregation: the method sum of evaluations and the method of average grade. In a variant of the method of average evaluations results were also available in two versions: where all the partners evaluated all the methods of practical training methods and the variant where the partners evaluated only those methods of practical training, which have been used or are in their partner institutions or those who know.

We encourage you to read the results.THE PUBLICATION IS FREE OF CHARGE Download it HERE.

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