Result O3 – ,, Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students transversal competences” – English language version

Result O3 – ,, Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students transversal competences” –…

Poznan University of Technology that coordinates the international project The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process”, which was launched in the framework of Erasmus + published the results of the research in this project – Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students’ transversal competences“.

Results O3 – ,,Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students’ transversal competences”. This is third of eight planned parts of the project. Result O3 was done in three steps:

Step 1. Summary of methods of practical training and transversal competences identified within the framework of the first task O1.

Step 2. Giving the ratio of usefulness for transversal competences.

Step 3. The analysis by teams of expert partners, which includes the answer to the question: Does particular practical educational method have a positive effect  on raising the level of the transversal competences and to what level?

Development of Matrix is the next step for the implementation of the project which is to develop and implement innovative methods of supporting the acceleration of the development of transversal competences of students through improved use of practical training.

Besides poor practical skills, insufficient transversal competences are the one of the most frequently cause related to maladjustment of young employees to work in an enterprise listed by the employers.

We chose the following transversal skills for the project: entrepreneurship, creativity, communicativeness and teamwork.

The project is implemented in the Partnership with 8 Institutions: Poznan University of Technology, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Czestochowa University of Technology, The Federation of Education In Jokilaaksot – JEDU, University of Maribor – Faculty of Economics and Business, Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica, Wroclaw University of Economics and  The Western Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

We encourage you to read research results and more information about project can be found at:

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The publication is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. It is allowed to use the content of the publication on condition that the licence information is preserved and that the project title and the name of the programme are indicated, ie. “The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process” in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme.

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