
ATC Erasmus+


4 February 2020
(Polski) Styczniowy panel na Politechnice Poznańskiej

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18 December 2019
(Polski) Wietnam zdobyty

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17 June 2018
„Competences in Smart Cities – the importance of the transversal skills in the labor market”

On June 06, 2018, at the Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, an international conference was held under the name „Competences in Smart Cities – the importance of the transversal skills in the labor market”. The conference was the second one organized as part of the project The acceleration method of development of transversal competences

16 June 2018
International Project Meeting

On 6 and 7 June in Banská Bystrica took place the seventh, the last International Project Meeting as part of the ATC / Erasmus + project. The representatives from the following partners were present: • Poznan University of Technology, Poland (the coordinator of the project) • Centria University of Applied Sciences, Finland • Czestochowa University

16 March 2018
M6 Transnational Project Meeting ATC Erasmus +

Poznan University of Technology hosted the sixth transnational meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process” between 13.03.2018-14.03.2018. The representatives from the following partners were present: Poznan University of Technology, Poland (the coordinator of the project) Centria University of Applied Sciences,

27 November 2017
The fifth transnational meeting in Centria University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Centria University of Applied Sciences hosted the fifth transnational meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process” between 16.11 and 17.11.2017. The representatives from the following partners were present: Poznan University of Technology, Poland (the coordinator of the project) Centria University

2 March 2017
The fourth transnational meeting at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Several topics were discusses during the meeting where the major attention was devoted to the activities within the IO5 and IO6. The final versions of several rules within IO5 were discussed, and that were the rules of choosing practical teaching methods to be tested, the rules of preparing the description of the tested processes, and the rules of choosing the sample for testing were discussed. A considerable attention was devoted to the evaluation of the level of transversal competences. Regarding IO6 the major issues discusses referred to the testing process that is going to be conducted in the partners’ pedagogical processes.

24 June 2016
The third transnational meeting in Finland

Centria University of Allpied Sciences and the Federation of Education in Jokilaaksot – JEDU organized third transnational meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ project titled The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process on the June 21 and 22, 2016.

4 February 2016
The second transnational meeting at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor organized the second transnational meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ project titled The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process on the January 28, 2016. The leader and project partners’ representatives...