Mind control?

Mind control?

On the 8th of May at the Poznań University of Technology “Open Days” were held in laboratories created in the “Time for Professionals – Wielkopolska Professional Education”. Open days were part of the celebration of 10th anniversary of Polish accession to the European Union.
As part of the event the equipment in laboratories located in Poznan University of Technology was available for public. Household, which is every day used by technicians, students arriving for vocational training, were handed to younger students who were able to see the welding of fiber or print 3D computer lab. To commemorate each receive their own 3D printing.
The most popular were, however, electroencephalography workshops, where some older participants were able to learn how to control the transmission of commands to the computer using the mind. To all those who have decided to set up the EEG sensors was able to run a virtual cube, the other members of the workshop rewarded with thunderous applause.
Another attraction was the use of glasses Eyetracking. Participants equipped with the modern equipment to check how the technology that allows you to record movies with simultaneous recording of eye movements.
Presented appliances vindicated the workshop participants that the modern tools used, inter alia, in marketing research, can more precisely explore the thoughts and are specific detectors of the lies that will be used increasingly in everyday life.
As part of the “Open Door” also other laboratories were presented: mechatronics and logistics, mix the utensils apprenticeship to a merchant. A great interest was the presentation of the industrial robot, and the youngest fascinated to study the positions of sensors, where checking what kind of materials will allow them to launch specialized sensors.
All workshops and demonstrations were visited by dozens of people.