WSMiP at Science and Art Festival

WSMiP at Science and Art Festival

On March 31, 2011 at Poznan University of Technology Lecture and Conference Centre, during Poznan Science and Art Festival, Magdalena Graczyk presented the projects being carried out as part of Technical Knowledge Accelerator, including Wielkopolska Monitoring and Forecasting System.

Presentation was held at 12.00 in Room 2 and was directed at anyone interested in adjusting vocational education to labour market. Science and Art Festival is an academic festival, held already for the 14th time, traditionally under the patronage of Board of Chancellors of the City of Poznan. This time the festive programme inlcudes 8 events at 8 higher schools, including Poznan University of Technology. The meeting and presentation of WSMiP during the festival had a promotional, educational and opinion forming character.