We have just completed the study of The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process which facilitates faster acquisition of transversal competences such as entrepreneurship, creativity, communicativeness and teamwork.
The method is the result of work carried out in the financed project within the Erasmus+ Program. The solution is to help students or future employees of companies but it can also be used in the education of students and lifelong learning. The method is presented in the Guide for implementation. It can be used by the teacher during classes with students. Such application of the method allows not only for faster acquisition of transversal competences by students but also a form of perfecting one’s didactic workshop. The method can also be applied in a much broader scope: by a university unit (eg department, institute), university or network of cooperating universities, to improve the methods of developing transversal competences by means of practical training methods and exchange of good practices.
We have prepared the guide in the form of a presentation, which makes it easier to use it. The guide has active links that help you get to know the solution in detail. The publication contains specific examples of implementation of the method by a team of experts – Project Partners from Poznan University of Technology, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Czestochowa University of Technology, JEDU Educational Federation, University of Maribor – Faculty of Economics and Business, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, University of Economics in Wroclaw and Western Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Gorzow Wielkopolski.
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The publication is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. It is allowed to use the content of the publication on condition that the licence information is preserved and that the project title and the name of the programme are indicated, ie. “The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process” in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme.
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