“Time for Professionals” at the meeting of the Commission for Education and Science of Wielkopolska Voivodeship parliament

“Time for Professionals” at the meeting of the Commission for Education and Science of Wielkopolska Voivodeship parliament

 On the 16th September, 2013 during the meeting of the Commission for Education and Science of the local parliament councilors got familiar  with the project “Time for Professionals – Wielkopolska Professional Education” executed by local government of Wielkopolska Voivodeship and Poznań University of Technology.

Within the framework of the project there have been elaborated and then implemented in 35 schools the innovative programs of modular education in six professions at the level of technician, there have been started laboratories of practices for six mostly needed professions, there have been organized practices in Wielkopolska companies, there have been created: System Professionals and e-learning system.

Find more about the project at: zawodowcy.org

Information of Marshall Office of Wielkopolska Voivodeship about the meeting of local parliament Commission for Education and Science: http://www.umww.pl/czas-szkolnych-zawodowcow