“Time for Professionals” at the conference devoted to the future of gymnasiums

“Time for Professionals” at the conference devoted to the future of gymnasiums

On the 26 February, 2014 the conference organized by Wielkopolska Chamber of Construction, Association “Wielkopolska Professional Education” as well as by Complex of Construction Schools in Poznań took place. The title of the conference was “Professional Education – an Investment into the Future of Gymnasium Pupil”. The conference was aimed to help to diagnose the needs of professional education, collaboration with entrepreneurs, District Labour Office in Poznań as well as Poznań University of Technology. During the conference the project “Time for Professionals – Wielkopolska Professional Education” has been presented within the framework of which Wielkopolska Voivodeship, Poznań University of Technology as well as 58 schools from Wielkopolska started wide cooperation that should contribute to the improvement of the situation of young people entering the labour market.