Time for Professionals – Wielkopolska Professional Education
Project “Time for Professionals – Wielkopolska Professional Education” is a system project executed within the framework of Priority IX of Operational Program Human Capital (Activity 9.2). Leader of the project is Local Government of Wielkopolska Province (Viovodeship) and the Partner Poznań University of Technology. Time framework of project execution is predicted for the period from 1st July, 2012 till 30th September, 2015.
Project is the expansion of the undertaking named “Wielkopolska system of monitoring and forecasting” executed in last years and which essence was elaborating of innovative system of data collection and monitoring concerning competences and professional skills in the context of labour market.
The purpose of the project is to improve the attractiveness and quality of professional education through the activities like those:
- organization of practices and trainings for pupils at Wielkopolska employers,
- creation of two laboratories in Wielkopolska for the needs of professional practices realization together with elaborating of innovative programs for practices,
- creating, development and widespread of the Wielkopolska system of educational – professional assistance – System Professionals,
- elaborating of innovative programs of modular education in six professions at the level of technician and implementing them in 35 schools,
- preparation of teachers to teach based on elaborated educational programs,
- realization of additional activities for pupils based on elaborated educational programs,
- equipping schools with additional tools and educational materials with particular emphasis on ICT,
- implementation of e-learning education in 35 schools.
50 schools will participate in the whole undertaking, in 35 of them modular education will be introduced. 9 280 pupils of Wielkoplska technical schools will be covered by professional practices out of which 2 980 will have their professional practice at the employers and 6 300 in professional practice laboratories. Modular education will cover minimum 1 750 persons. Nearly 10 thousand persons will be covered by the project in total.
Planned in the project activities will lead to implementation of the form of teaching ensuring higher educational effectiveness and simultaneously decreasing educational disproportions between Wielkopolska schools and schools in other European regions. Current studies and analysis concerning professional education in Wielkopolska indicate on high demand of the labour market for such professions as: logistic technician, mechatronics technician, advertising organization technician, economic technician, IT technician and commercial technician. To make proper choice of schools that conduct above mentioned courses of education we want to undertake talks with the representatives of all districts in the region. Very important for us is to jointly search for solutions and ideas for a new professional school.