ATC Erasmus+ method, was applied at Maritime University of Szczecin by Anna Wolnowska PhD.,Eng. In October and November students of 2 fields: Management and Production Engineering and Integrated Transport Systems participated in the classes, during which practical teaching process was applied – the process which was developed and tested by PUT in ATC Erasmus+ Project.
14th of November, 2018 in the Centre of Enterpreneurship at the Management Faculty of University of Warsaw, the III Meeting of the departments of entrepreneurship and innovation took place. Faculty of Engineering and Management of Poznan University of Technology was represented by Małgorzata Spychała Eng. PhD. who on behalf of Maciej Szafrański, Eng. PhD., the
On August 21, 2018, the Conference entitled “Time and family enterprises” at the Turku School of Economics took place. The subject of the event concerned: family business promotion, continuity or changes in family business structures, and family business management. During the event Eija Huotari and Sirpa Soukka from the Centria University of Applied Sciences, Kokkola
We have just completed the study of The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process which facilitates faster acquisition of transversal skills such as entrepreneurship, creativity, communicativeness and teamwork.