Result O6 – Test results for process models

Result O6 – Test results for process models

The aim of task 06 was to design and conduct the testing process of developed reference models for selected methods of practical training.

The testing was aimed at examining the rate of increase in the transversal competences of students in the tested processes. The first step was to develop guidelines for the selection of groups for testing, and the next to develop a testing schedule taking into account the assumptions contained in the Results of the O5 Process Models developed.

Testing took place at 6 universities participating in the project (3 Polish universities, 1 Finnish, 1 Slovak and 1 Slovenian).

After completing the testing phase, each of the partners participating in it has developed test results in a form of a database – evaluation and studies. The analysis of these results will be carried out in task 07. The analysis will take into account cultural factors that may affect the increase of cross-cutting competences.

Students were very positive about the entire testing process. An important element was the participation of representatives of enterprises who, while observing the testing process, also shared their comments.


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